Error in Child Support Guidelines Worksheet Published by the Court
PSA: Double Check Your 2017 Child Support Guidelines By Hand And Using Our App Massachusetts has just published new child support guidelines calculations and as Gabriel pointed out in his Lawyer’s Weekly interview, they’re, well, a little bit complicated. Several years ago, we created the Massachusetts Divorce App based on a need to be able to quickly generate child support and alimony…
Collecting Social Security Benefits of an Ex-Spouse
GUEST BLOGGER: Deborah Smith – Debbie is the resident divorce writer for Total Attorneys ( and you can read her blog at Social Security benefits provide an income for retired or disabled people and their dependents. If a spouse dies, the surviving dependent spouse is generally entitled to the benefits. In some cases, a former spouse may still collect some Social…
I have a child support order from another state and now I need to change it, what can I do?
One of the tricky areas of Massachusetts law is how to treat child support orders from other states. This area of law can get complicated, and if you’re dealing with this issue, it’s one of the times that the help of an attorney is pretty much indispensable. In these cases, we aren’t talk about something that’s based primarily on the facts (“substantive…
Update to Child Support App
As of August 1, 2013, the Child Support Guidelines have been revised in Massachusetts. Our iPad and iPhone app has also been updated to reflect the new changes in the Guidelines. The Child Support portion of our app has been completely redesigned and some of these features are unique to our app alone. Most of the “math” is now hidden so that…
New Child Support Guidelines Effective August 1, 2013
There’s a new set of Child Support Guidelines that will take effect in Massachusetts as of August 1, 2013. The Probate and Family Court is required to review the Guidelines every 4 years to make sure that the numbers continue to be financial justified for parents in the Commonwealth. After much research and comparison, the new 2013 Guidelines makes several substantive changes…
Suffolk Probate Court – Night Court Program
Suffolk Probate and Family Court located in Boston and serving all of Suffolk County in Boston is starting a trial, pilot program to offer “night court”. Night court is being offered right now only to uncontested cases. It is being conducted by different probate court judges throughout the week. It goes from 3:00PM to 7:00PM. The night court program is also on…
what is Proposition 8? And why is it a big deal?
Welcome to Part IV of our Marriage Equality Monday series, in which we look at the issue of Marriage Equality. It’s been a long wait, but on Wednesday the Supreme Court will be hearing arguments in Windsor v. US and Hollingsworth v. Perry, two cases challenging different aspects of the denial of the right to marry to same sex couples. Previously, we’ve looked at…
SJC Determines New Standard for Modification of Child Support
Up until today, whenever someone filed for a Modification of Child Support, the standard of review that a court looks at is if there had been a “material and substantial change in circumstances” between the old child support order and the application of the Child Support Guidelines. Today, Massachusett’s Supreme Judicial Court issued a binding opinion that clearly says that the standard…
Hello and Welcome
Welcome to the Infinity Law Group “FAQ”. My name is Jaye Samuels, and I am the managing associate here at Infinity Law Group. As an attorney who practices solely in the area of family law, I’m well aware of the sense of uncertainty that many people feel when calling an attorney’s office, whether it be for information about a prenuptial agreement, a…
When do break-ups (divorces) happen the most?
According to facebook status updates, break ups happen mostly around spring breaks and the months leading up to Christmas. [via Business Insider]