Massachusetts Divorce App | Infinity Law Group LLC
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Massachusetts Divorce App

homeWe rely on our cell phones for almost everything we do. From setting alarms to wake up in the morning to finding good restaurants while out of town, we need smartphones in our lives. So, when it comes to settling a divorce or child support issues in a courtroom, you’d think it would be as simple as 1-2-3 to find the pertinent information on your phone to provide exact dates and numbers as it relates to your case (instead of finding loose scraps of paper).

Let’s face it, divorce proceedings can be stressful enough without having to worry about calculating child support, alimony, and other costs in the courtroom. That’s why it’s so stressful when we take out our phones and realize there’s no reception around us.

It is for this reason that attorney Gabriel Cheong created the Massachusetts Divorce App, which is available for Androids and iPhones in Google Play and the App Store.

What Does This App Do?

The Massachusetts Divorce App is the first comprehensive app that will any and all your divorce calculation needs if you live in Massachusetts. Instead of writing everything out on paper, you can use the app to help you calculate your child support amounts, alimony payments and duration, and future calendar dates for divorce proceedings.

Not only are you able to keep track of dates and make calculations, but the app has a Dropbox integration, PDF version of court-approved Child Support Guidelines Worksheet, and allows the ability to air-print.

The Alimony Tab

Specifically for alimony, you can calculate how long the payments will list, the amount of each payment, and view different alimony types besides just “alimony.”

The Child Support Tab

No longer will you need to use your phone calculator for calculating child support. The Child Support tab calculates how much you are obliged to pay after it takes the following into account: each parent’s income, deductions, and the type of custody arrangement. You can also generate your own PDF versions of the Child Support Guidelines Worksheet and submit it directly to the court, email it to yourself, email it to others, send it to your Dropbox, or air-print them from your phone.

The Massachusetts child support calculator has also been added to our website.

Why This App Will Work in Your Favor

Many courtrooms in Massachusetts have little-to-no WiFi, so most phones aren’t able to work properly. However, our app runs without needing to connect to WiFi. So, you can update and make changes to your calculations inside the courtroom without the frustration of having a poor WiFi connection.

As we stated before, we use our smartphones for almost everything. When we need our phones most, we expect quality service. Our Massachusetts Divorce App is perfect for you if you need all of your documents and calculations in one place and with you at all times. You will always be prepared in court if you have your Massachusetts Divorce App on-hand.

Please keep in mind that the app is for general information and purposes only. Consult with an experienced divorce attorney in Massachusetts for specific advice that relates to your case.